Saturday, May 9, 2009

Giving up

You wish, you dream, you want,
Life to be a certain way
And then one disappointment
Simply washes all hope away..

You fight, think positive, you deny
Raise your head; Oh! You want to fly
Reach that goal, show the world
Your worth, ability to reach that dream
Seen with open eyes and not, on your bed curled

But why does it have to make you suffer?
Make it more difficult, all of the queer?
More struggle, sweat, tears as exam nears
More night outs, perseverance, biggest fears..
Just to reach that illusion you saw
As your dream
As your desire
As your bloody need!

Maybe coz God just wants it
to taste it a little more sweet
When you succeed, reach that aim
Not tarnish your daddy’s fame
Be that daughter who did not give up
Despite that massive career blow-up..

I guess it’s just a phase
And 2 years later I would laugh at my craze
To type all emotional turmoil on my blog
When I should just study and slog
But I feel better and you would agree
It helps, makes you feel better, free.

:-D :-D

Still in Pune. Life sucks. Food sucks. Schedule sucks worse.
And as you just read,
I am lovin it!



P said...

perfect..just what i am going through...

deluded said...


Unknown said...

writing makes it easier, aint it!

Anurag said...

That's life ..Ain't it..

But there sure would be a better Phase around the corner knocking at the door...All the best :)

"Simply washes all hope away.."

It should be "Hopes"..Shouldn't it ??

Arv said...

you will get through it :)

take care... smilesssssssssssssss


Anonymous said...

Everything sucks but you still smiled. :)

crasiezt said...

Loved cute and absolutely from the heart:-)

"Not tarnish your daddy’s fame
Be that daughter who did not give up"
Hugs for those lines:-)

Apparently intellectual said...


ananya chatterjee said...

great work thr

The Seeker said...

Even if life sucks, Just love it!!!

this too shall pass

The Seeker said...

Even if life sucks, Just love it!!!

this too shall pass

Express said...

@ Pixie
:-) Phases.
and some part of me is always going through this.. so..

@ Deluded
not on my screen!

Express said...

@ puresunshine
ah, i bet!
plus having such gr8 blog-buds who understand, is an additional bonus :-)

welcome :-)

@ Anurag
No, coz all the hopes are centered towards one cause no?
Well, i like this way better, and its my poem, so? :P

& phases?
They define our life, don't they?

Express said...

@ Arv
Thanks mate,
for being thr :-)

@ Ki
Didn't have much of a choice thr, did I :D

Express said...

@ Crasiezt
My teacher for spontaneous poetry,

and Tight Hug Back!
Love you crazy,

@ Prachi
Ouch! The pinch hurt :P

Express said...

@ Ananya
Yea? I don't like it much..
I can do better :D
when I'm in mood though :P

anyway, Thanks da

@ The Seeker
trying, coping up, falling, rising.. And loving..

Tc man, Hope it all works out for you too :-)

Unknown said...

When you succeed, reach that aim
Not tarnish your daddy’s fame
Be that daughter who did not give up
Despite that massive career blow-up..

so very well written..
keep blogging!

Express said...

@ Misanthropist
Heyii! Welcome to my page :-)
and ah, i don't like this poem :-(

yet, thanks for the visit!

P.S. I love ur blog!