Sunday, March 2, 2008

Comfort is the key...

Nothing, absolutely nothing in the world is more comfortable than...
*~* A good old pair of blue jeans...
*~* and with it, faded extra large plain white T-shirt...
*~* Thick pair of cotton ankle socks!!
*~* No footwear, bare feet...
*~* If footwear be necessary, floaters...
*~* Sleeping with your head on nani's lap...
*~* Mother's hug...
*~* Home...
*~* Homemade food...
*~* Talking for endless hours, without constrains of time, topics, difference of opinion...
*~* Listening to mellow music before passing out each night...
*~* Walking on the evening beach, with damp sand all over your feet...
*~* Laughter...
*~* Pouring your heart out to your best friend(s), without having to worry about the consequence...
*~* Winter mornings under a thick blanket...
*~* Bathing, especially during summers...
*~* Watching television on the couch with endless supplies of popcorn/ chips...
*~* Short, open, soft hair...
*~* Nothing fake, no make-up, none at all...
*~* Ability to laugh on oneself...
*~* A hot cup of vishnu's chai...
*~* The company of the one you desire...

People say, "You can reach to the best of your potentials only when you step out of your comfort zone." Very true.

But even the comfort of reaching to your best can't beat the things listed above...............


Unknown said...

Cute post this is :)

Convenience is such an awesome thing, but as you said, comfort cripples us. Pain is one great indicator of how far from comfort we are. Many of us (including myself) feel that pain is unpleasant, irritating.

I think one great way to success is to start accepting pain as a comfort.

P.S. Yikes! I sound like a sant here.

Nilesh Sawant said...

that last line.....very true..

Express said...

@ alok
No no, u sound like Alok :P

Pain is comfortable sometimes, mild though..Well, pain does not necessarily equate to success..But then it depends, if you are comfortable with handling pain or u like pain then its altogether a different issue..
n this post is about comfort and not pain!

@ nilesh
:) Thanko!

Sushmita said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Good one!!!
Nice to know people like you..I mean the whole world thinks that simplicity is boring....
People tend to wear complex clothes at parties and do complex things..
Most of them do complex things because everyone does it

Express said...

Parties are a place of total show-off! I go to parties coz they are amusing :P and yea, also for the free food...

Well, the world sure has gone complex. Comfort has become secondary. I owe this to my parents, they taught us our lessons right. Principles put right in place. :)

Somehow I tend to equate simplicity with sincerity. Might be a very pathetic frame of mind, a changing opinion.

Thank-u for the comment.

Sushmita said...

I hate parties too :D

Am said...

this i sa damn good post. period.
and the last line, u r bang on target there!
goood, keep 'em comin!

Express said...

:) Now, now, you are sure learning to appreciate things :P


btw, what about your posts? teehee...

hakunamatata said...

well absolutely rite shatabi....
a real good thought ....dis is hw r lives r so comfortable...well der r ppl in dis world hu dont even get an iota of wat v xperience...
after reading dat realised der r ppl xisting on dis earthj hu dont get all dis..

Express said...

hey baby, welcome 2 bloggers! :)

Well, I wouldn't like to comment on what people experience and what they don't. But, this is my comfort list, and quite universal eh?

What people do or do-not experience is none of my troubles here. They might have their little or massive comfort lists, whatever suits them.

Thanks 4 the comment though. You get the feel of the post and that is all that matters.... :)

Shabarni Gupta said...

all i can say bout what u'v ritten is...vry vry vry true.

Joey said...

love this post...comfort rules man!you missed out one..sitting at the window with hot chai and a great book listening to the rain lashing against the glass.....

Express said...

tahnks for comment, join bloggers fast...he he

@ joey
Lovely comment man, best 1 I ever got!!!